2013年8月20日 星期二

飢餓遊戲2 星火燎原 人物專題 Johanna Mason

capitol couture,是飢餓遊戲另一個官方網站,多半在介紹人物的服裝,和一些相關的產品。今天公布了Johanna Mason的服裝介紹和一些小事情。

During make up, Mason doesn’t fidget as her artist adheres three-inch eyelashes to her lower lashline that only intensify her disarming gaze. (It’s telling that she doesn’t flinch once, even when dots of hot glue are applied.) 
在化妝的時候,Johanna Mason並沒有坐立不安,即便她的設計之堅持要在他的下眼睫毛上在植上三吋的睫毛,以增加她能夠消除敵意的目光。(這說明她不能害怕退縮,因為那是用熱膠沾粘上去的)
(眼影部分)A palette of golden metallic eyeshadow brings out the greenish brown of her up-slanted eyes and extended wings of copper cream shadow add depth. 
(嘴唇)For her lips, a trace of nude liner is filed with a matte soft sienna lipstick and then overlaid with bronze gloss. 
(髮型)Her lustrous chestnut locks, upswept into a coronet of curls, lend an organic majesty to the look. 

The effect is futuristic forest queen. It’s almost as if this petite tribute has been gilded by a nymph from her very own district.(效果是未來感的森林女王)

(服裝)But it’s her custom gown—a graceful collaboration by Capitol costume designer Trish Summerville and couture designer Jan Taminiau—that transforms her from gladiator to goddess.
而他量身訂做的禮服,是一位優美的都城服裝設計Trish Summerville和時裝設計師an Taminiau一起完成的,讓她從女鬥士變成女神。

 Constructed of artfully shredded and ruched chiffon and rags, the confection feels like flutters of paper in a gentle breeze.  The use of bark tissue or sculpted cork for the bodice, one sleeve and plumed collar is a nod to the natural resources of District 7.

  “I love creating a fantasy around a woman’s body,” says the Dutch designer Taminiau of his creative process. 

The asymmetry suits Mason and allows us a glimpse of her bold bracelet of bronze nails. The gold ear cuffs by jewelry designer Eddie Borgo supply just the right amount of glint.
不對稱的設計很適合Johanna Mason,讓我們看一下他大膽青銅釘子做成的手環。珠寶設計師Eddie Borgo,為這套點上了一些亮彩。

Mason poses for a few shots and then slips off her four-inch platform Camilla Skovgaard jagged-wedged sandals. 
Johanna Mason擺了幾個pose,拍了一些相片,然後亮出Camilla Skovgaard的鋸齒楔形涼鞋。

She suddenly looks smaller, even younger—but hardly weak.  Clearly, the odds are ever in her favor and this victor doesn’t need to knock on wood. 
突然間,Johanna Mason看起來更嬌小、更年輕,但一點都不軟弱。顯然的,機會是對她有利的,她並不用去敲木頭祈禱好運。


The young District 7 victor takes glamour to new heights.

Johanna Mason may hail from the lumber district, but this slip of a victor is anything but green.  Don’t be swayed by her cinnamon sprinkle of freckles and delicate, doll-like features. She was one of the youngest tributes ever reaped in Hunger Games history and her agility with an axe resonates throughout Panem. Sly. Savage. Sangfroid. These are just a few of the adjectives tossed around to describe Mason, who’s known for disarming her victims by feigning weakness.
Johanna Mason來自木料行政區.不要被他如娃娃般的外表給騙了。他是飢餓遊戲史上最年輕的貢品之一,而他使用斧頭的靈敏度 resonates throughout Panem. 狡猾的、凶殘的、沉著的,這只是少部分對於Johanna Mason的形容詞,他假裝虛弱來讓他的敵人以為他很弱小。

Mason arrives at her photo shoot for Capitol Couture looking anything but meek. She has a reputation for being snide with her prep team.  District 7’s stylist has been dressing tributes like oak trees and firs for the opening ceremonies ever since the first Hunger Games. Clearly, Mason prefers a more conceptual take on lumber and paper.  “My stylist’s the biggest idiot in the Capitol. Wish I’d gotten Cinna,” she has been known to mumble.
Johanna Mason到都城拍攝相片時,看起來絕對不溫馴。因此他在他的預備小組中有了壞名聲。當第7區的設計者為了飢餓遊戲的開幕已經將貢品裝扮成像是顆像樹和冷杉時,顯然,Johanna Mason更想要利用木料和紙張作為概念。"我的設計師是都城裡頭最大的白痴。我希望是秦納來幫我"。"she has been known to mumble.

真的覺得飢餓遊戲很盡力的在宣傳電影。即便是一套服裝,都可以拿來說明和展現一個小故事,不知道這些橋段會不會在電影中被拍攝出來呢。所以表示Johanna Mason很喜歡秦納囉!

