2014年6月26日 星期四

飢餓遊戲3 自由幻夢(上) 預告片 前導片 告訴那些討厭鬼 為什麼Josh Hutcherson會是最完美的比德

Peeta has gotten the short end of the stick both in the Hunger Games books and in real life. After the Catching Fire movie came out, Josh Hutcherson’s character was mocked mercilessly for messing things up in the arena. Not only was the character getting flack, but Hutcherson himself was hated on. On Twitter, fans protested his casting and said he was the worst choice to play Peeta making comments like, ”Josh Hutcherson as Peeta Mellark will always remain on par with Kristen Stewart as Bella Swan as WORST CASTING DECISION EVER MADE.” But those people are wrong, and the new Mockingjay - Part 1 teaser trailer shows just how perfect Josh Hutcherson is for the role. 

Though it’s just 72 seconds long, and Peeta only appears for about 30 of those seconds, through watching the trailer, it becomes apparent that he was an excellent choice for this role. Hutcherson says nothing, only turns his head and looks straight at the camera, but in that moment you can read all the desperation, anger, and emptiness in his eyes. This is a person who has been hijacked by the capital and forced to stand for what he tried so hard to fight against. You feel all that as his sinister glare reminds you that in this film he isn’t the young boy madly in love with Katniss, but is instead the Capitol’s weapon.

It’s hard to act with just your eyes. As Michael Caine put it in his book Acting in Film, ”You cannot lie to the camera. If an actor feels the emotion internally, it will show in the eyes.  If not, your eyes will betray you.” 

Fortunately, Hutcherson’s eyes are not betraying him but rather conveying all the depth of his character in one simple look.

While some outlets are complaining that we didn’t see J. Law in the teaser trailer, I’ll be over here being blown away by Hutcherson’s performance and so excited for what’s to come from him in the movie. 

不論是在飢餓遊戲的書籍中或是真實生活中,比德都遇到了最遭的情況。在星火燎原的電影上映之後,Josh Hutcherson的角色被無情的嘲笑,當他在競技場內搞砸一些事情之後。不但角色受到強烈的批評,就連Josh Hutcherson自己本人也越來越被討厭。在Twitter上,粉絲攻擊他的演出並且說他是比德選角中最遭的選擇。Josh Hutcherson飾演比德就永遠跟克莉絲汀·史都華飾演暮光之城裡頭的Bella Swan一樣,成為有史以來最糟糕的選擇。但是這些人錯了,再最新的飢餓遊戲3自由幻夢(上)的前導預告片中,展現了Josh Hutcherson是怎樣完美的呈現比德這個角色。

雖然前導預告片只有72秒的時間,而比德也僅僅出現了差不多30秒,但是透過觀看這個預告片,就很能明顯的了解Josh Hutcherson就是飾演比德的最佳選擇。他沒有說任何話,只有轉頭,直盯盯的看著攝影機,但是在那個時刻,你可以解讀到他的眼神中,充滿了絕望,憤怒和空洞。他被都城狹持,而且被迫在站他想努力對抗的人身邊。但你又可以感受到他那陰險般的目光似乎在提醒著你,短片中的他,已經不是瘋狂愛上凱妮絲的那個年輕男孩,而是變成了都城的武器。

只透過眼神,很難去演出這樣的情緒。正如 Michael Caine在他書中說提的:「你騙不過攝影機的,除非演員從心底感受到這樣的情緒,這樣才能表現在你的眼神上,否則,你的眼神就會出賣你」

幸運的是,Josh Hutcherson的眼神並沒有出賣了他,並且在很簡單的外在下,傳達了這個角色的深度。

雖然有些人在抱怨前導預告片中沒有看到珍妮佛勞倫斯,但是透過Josh Hutcherson的演出,我會很期待電影中他的表現。

重點說明,就是Josh Hutcherson在這個前導預告片中表現的太好了。有看小說的人都知道後來劇情的發展,這個前導片,讓比德站在史諾總統的旁邊,光是在電影效果上,就有太多值得讓人討論的地方。因為在第二集結束的時候,就有說明比德已經被都城抓走,那麼為什麼現在比德會站在史諾總統的旁邊,而他的眼神又傳達著什麼樣的含意呢!?只是最後一幕的一個轉頭,我想那是兩個不同的比德!

